I presented my paper Recognizing Hard of Hearing Speech: From Speech-language Pathology to Sociolinguistics at the first Taiwan Disability Studies annual conference, Taipei. I talked about how different Hard of Hearing speakers position themselves in relation to the oralist/audist hegemony and how this positioning is related to their minimal pair reading practice.
I'm glad that I was challenged by a postgraduate student working on linguistic anthropology with Deaf people that she found my examination of the reading practice of Hard of Hearing people could be accused of audism. I appreciate this critique. I will be more careful about framing my study in the future.
My journal article (in Chinese) on the identity negotiation of Taiwanese Hard of Hearing people has been published in Journal of Geographical Science. The title is Transformation Cyborg, Identity Negotiation and Spatiality of Hearing Disabled People in Taiwan.
In this article, I talked about how space matters when we look at the emergence of Hard of Hearing identity in urban life. I argue that when Hard of Hearing people move from space to space, their body cyborg is re-cyborgized with the space, which contributes to the identity negotiation. I also call for a shift from representing Hard of Hearing people as passively suppressed by oralist hegemony to an emphasis on their agency in body and identity making. |
My Hard of Hearing ProjectI have been working on the language life of Hard of Hearing people in Taiwan since my bachelor's project funded by Taiwan's Ministry of Science and Technology. Now my PhD project has perpetuated the perspective of highlighting the agency of Hard of Hearing people through their language use. |