In Preparation/Forthcoming
Journal Articles (English)
Journal Articles (Mandarin)
Book Chapters
Proceeding Articles
Review Articles
- Su, Hsi-Yao; Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan; & Lee, Ann Wan-Hsin (in preparation). “Can a minister say qi3ye?": How a non-standard tone becomes indexical of the national other.
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (in press). “Hi, I’m Ruan Yuejiao, from Ho Chi Minh City!”: Digital raciolinguistic enregisterment and indexical hijack of the Vietnamese Mandarin accent. Language in Society.
Journal Articles (English)
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (2024). Indexical Deprivation: The Dominant Link Between Cochlear Implants and Global English Among Taiwanese Deaf Individuals. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. First View.
- Liu, Shan-Jan Sarah & Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (2024). COVID success? For whom? Examining the political representation of migrants in Taiwan. Ethnic and Racial Studies Online First:1–23.
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan; Hall-Lew, Lauren; & Cowie, Claire (2024). Feeling disabled: Vowel quality and assistive hearing devices in embodying affect. Language in Society 53(1):71–97.
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (2023). Topic-based variation as both cognitive and agentive: Identity politics, deaf speakers, and hearing researcher. Asia-Pacific Language Variation 9(1):1–28.
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (2022). Individual variation in performing read-aloud speech among deaf speakers. Linguistics Vanguard 8(1):291–303.
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (2022). Islands, geopolitics and language ideologies: Sociolinguistic differentiation between Taiwanese and Kinmenese Hokkien. Language & Communication 83:36–48.
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (2020). Language revitalization and perceived language shift: A case of Kinmenese Hokkien. Berliner China-Hefte - Chinese History and Society 51:107–22.
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (2021). Sociolinguistics of pathologized speech: A case of deaf and hard-of-hearing speakers of Taiwan Mandarin. Journal of Sociolinguistics 25(3):438–52.
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan & Cowie, Claire (2021). Conflicts between World Englishes: Online metalinguistic discourse about Singapore Colloquial English. English World-Wide 42(1):85–110.
Journal Articles (Mandarin)
- 萬宗綸 (2024). 「你是外國人嗎?」:台灣聽障者的口音與身份誤認經驗 ["Are you a foreigner?": Taiwanese deaf people’s accent and experience of identity misrecognition]. 文化研究 [Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies] 38:57–91.
- 萬宗綸 (2014). 差異的召喚:從語言地景的生態隱喻談台北市都市空間的日常觀看 [Different callings: The habitat metaphor, linguistic landscape and daily seeing in Taipei urban space]. 環境與世界 [Environment and Worlds] 30:97–124.
- 萬宗綸 (2016). 轉聲∕身術:臺灣聽障者的賽伯格、身分協商與空間性 [Transformation: Cyborg, Identity Negotiation and Spatiality of Hearing Disabled People in Taiwan]. 地理學報 [Journal of Geographical Science] 81:1–26.
- 萬宗綸 (2021). 電子耳與「聽」的展演:社會語言學的取徑 [Cochlear implants and performing hearingness: A sociolinguistic approach]. 科技、醫療與社會 [Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology, and Medicine] 33:167–94.
Book Chapters
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (2021). Formulating (dis)ability: Discursive construction of cochlear implant satisfaction. In Jessica Nina Lester (ed.), Discursive Psychology and Disability, 169–97. Springer International Publishing.
Proceeding Articles
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (2023). Effect of auditory feedback on high lexical tones in deaf adults with cochlear implants. In Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 3888–92. Prague, Czech Republic: Guarant International.
Review Articles
- Wan, Tsung-Lun Alan (2019). Film review: The Gangster’s Daughter (2017). Asian Ethnicity 20(3):396–98.
- 萬宗綸 (2023). 聽損治療的社會與技術史:評 Virdi (2020) Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures in History. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 科技、醫療與社會 [Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology, and Medicine] 36:57–66.